Results for Bartlett Sprints

Wednesday August 28, 2024
Bartlett High School

A Damp Sprint at Bartlett

On Wednesday evening more than 45 brave souls ventured out to Bartlett High to try and out run the rain drops in the second meet of the Sprint Series. Alas, the rain drops won out, despite fierce competition from the runners. Fastest on the 2.5 km Short Course was young Rowan Shearer who turned in a very impressive performance, reaching all 12 controls in less than 30 minutes. On the 17 control 4.3 km Long Course, Jen Jolliff bested Julia Ditto by just 15 seconds with a time of 32:11 to take first place among the women racers.

Among the men on the long course, Scott Patterson bested the field, finishing in 23:26, followed by Ian Moore at 26:54. Winner of last week’s sprint, Allan Spangler, made a mental error, mis-punching #10 (the fire hydrant) instead of #13 (the building corner) before heading for the notorious #14 (#4 on the short course), the control between the conexes.

On both the short and long courses this notorious control was approached from the south. Several competitors assumed that the shortest route to reach it would be to go between the grandstand and the football field, failing to realize that they would then be isolated from the conexes by an “uncrossable” fence as designated by the symbology on the map. Some did the right thing, turning about and running around the fence while others hopped over the “uncrossable” fence, a no-no. (the stewards of the Sprint Series have taken their transgressions under advisement.)

For the education of others: rule 17.2 of the International Orienteering Federation Foot Orienteering Competition Rules list Sprint symbol 518, among others, as illegal to cross. If you are in doubt about what is legal to cross or not, you might want to review this rule, and the IOF mapping standards to see what the symbols look like on the map. Note that the rules are different for sprint, mt. bike, and regular orienteering events.

Thanks to Steve Gruhn for offering excellent suggestions on improving the maps. Ditto for Lexi Hill who also reviewed the maps and helped set controls and registering competitors.

Review and analyze your results on any of the online services.

LongMen1Scott Patterson00:23:26
LongMen2Ian Moore00:26:54
LongMen3Alex Knapp00:28:19
LongMen4Brian Kirchner00:28:50
LongMen5Gary Snyder00:29:16
LongMen6Springer Moore00:29:31
LongMen7Dorn Van Dommelen00:31:23
LongMen8Max Romy00:32:24
LongMen9Paul Stone00:33:52
LongMen10Cory Smith00:34:04
LongMen11Regan Sarwas00:35:33
LongMen12Bill Spencer00:36:51
LongMen13Todd Shearer00:39:05
LongMen14Mark Findlay00:54:36
LongMen15Ellery Gibbs01:00:23
LongMenMPAllan Spangler00:23:11
LongMenMPNick Crews00:34:43
LongWomen1Jen Jolliff00:32:11
LongWomen2Julia Ditto00:32:26
LongWomen3Jamie Shearer00:35:41
LongWomen4Agneta Kupilik00:47:19
LongWomen5Rachael Stone00:48:02
LongWomen6Dela Grey00:52:09
LongTeam1Craig Miller and Chris Cronick00:54:56
LongTeam2Mark and Briana Binder01:10:59
ShortMen1Rowan Shearer00:28:17
ShortMen2Michael Malevich00:46:25
ShortMen3John Weddleton00:55:35
ShortTeam1Team Long00:45:14
ShortTeam2Team Van Dommelen00:47:10
ShortTeam3Hannah and Cadia Brewster and Kasukonis01:02:56
ShortTeam4Team Augestin/Heverling01:03:20
ShortTeam5Joyce Goodell and Rita Norton01:17:04
ShortTeam6Team Jackson01:22:00