Mirror Lake Results

Wednesday July 10, 2024
Mirror Lake Middle School

Around 50 participants came out to enjoy the courses at Mirror Lake on Wednesday. Both the mosquitos and highly localized rain showers upped the difficulty of successfully navigating at an already challenging area. A misplaced compass, a lost phone and a control picked up too early added even more excitement to the day.

Ian Moore posted the fastest time for the men on the red course, while Julia Ditto nabbed the victory for the red course women. On the green course, Barret Malouf and Dela Grey won top honors in their respective divisions. The orange course was the most ran course of the day, with Ellen Brown and Henry Rosier emerging as the winning individuals.

Many volunteers pitched in to make the meet come together. Thanks to the Harmon and Shearer families for helping at all stages of the meet. Thanks also to Mark Findlay for the help on the white course and to Bill Spencer for picking up controls. Special thanks to the Native Village of Eklutna for allowing us to orienteer on their land.

* Orienteering USA has purchased a license for all affiliated clubs to unlock all the features of LiveLox. See the following documents for more info: What is LiveLox, and Participant’s Guide.

This was a points race. Check out where you stand.

RedMen1Ian Moore00:59:33
RedMen2Springer Moore01:02:27
RedMen3Allan Spangler01:12:16
RedMen4Alex Knapp01:21:23
RedMen5Bill Spencer01:33:04
RedMen6Gary Snyder01:34:43
RedMen7Mike Robinson01:38:21
RedMen8Regan Sarwas01:45:38
RedMen9Paul Stone02:06:14
RedWomen1Julia Ditto02:14:07
RedWomenDNFMargaret Hammond
RedWomenDNFJen Jolliff
GreenMen1Barret Malouf01:40:59
GreenMen2Simon Mitchell01:41:50
GreenMen3Mark Findlay02:15:02
GreenMen4Oliver Rosier02:16:08
GreenMen5Mark Rosier02:16:36
GreenWomen1Dela Grey01:47:42
GreenTeam1Nick Crews Team01:31:53
GreenTeam2Pat King Team02:45:10
OrangeMen1Henry Rosier01:07:04
OrangeMen2Axel Stone01:07:38
OrangeMen3Stan Moll01:24:12
OrangeMenMPMagnus Stone01:48:45
OrangeMenDNFKenny Churchill
OrangeMenDNFMatt Malouf
OrangeWomen1Ellyn Brown01:03:45
OrangeWomen2Jill Follett01:34:37
OrangeWomen3Eileen Myers01:36:37
OrangeWomen4Rachael Hannah02:19:30
OrangeWomenMPLexi Hill01:42:13
OrangeTeam1Team Arduser02:18:48
OrangeTeamMPTeam Jackson00:46:52
YellowMen1Chris Tomsen01:17:26
YellowWomen1Nancy McWilliams01:10:02
YellowWomen2Abi Malouf01:29:22
YellowWomen1Joyce Goodell team01:07:51
YellowTeam2Team Harmon01:36:12
WhiteTeam1Peggy & Ken Kugel01:01:07
WhiteTeamMPBrauer Team00:39:39