Minutes of Jan 23, 2013 Board Meeting

WED JAN. 23, 2013 7 PM @ BRONGA’S

Board Members Present: Trond Jensen, Karen Bronga, Dela Grey, Mike Robinson, Regan Sarwas, Jen Joliff, Jill Follett, Chris Tomsen, Kathy Faryniarz

Call to order @ 7:15
Minutes from Nov 28 2012 approved

  1. Preparation for 2013 season
    1. Up coming Ski O‘s: Feb 10th Bill Spencer @ Russian Jack; Feb 20th Toby Schwoerer @ Mile 1.1
      Insurance application are in by Jill. Permits in works by Mike.
      Regan to get info to Lars Spurkland to advertise on NSAA schedule.
    2. Chris to coordinate with Regan to get JBER permit and instructions for iSportsman on our website
    3. OCAD/Purple Pen
      Mike presented pros and con of purple pen. He will write up instructions on how to use. Limit Purple Pen use to Russian Jack, UAA and APU for 2013.
    4. Meet director training and mentor program: Jen to contact advanced trainers and come up with format. Secure BP Energy center space. Dela contacted REI re training class there as well (note that they now charge for classes).
    5. Advertising: Jen will design logo and work with Regan and Mike to get magnets ordered and card stock schedules printed. Mike will check on costs. These advertising items could then be handed out at schools or Big O meets to engage more kids.
    6. Chris to present SAR (search and rescue) lost person discussion/demo next time
  2. Mapping
    • Toby contacted by phone and gave an update on hiring mapper and plans for this season.
    • Last years cost were approx. 6000$ for 4 weeks.
    • After discussion it was decided that Toby should work with 1-2 other mapping savvy board members and flush out plan. Need plan for how to section FNBP over multiple mapping seasons. Also should check into other mappers in addition to Kevin Teschendorf.
    • Toby felt he could get a signed contract by April with mapping starting late May early June.
    • Dan has volunteered some lodging as well for this summer
  3. Website
    Regan working on new format in Word Press (oalaska.org) but will keep old website up as well.
    Regan requested help from board in style font areas. He will roll over to new website when all set up. All board members should have a look at the new website and send their comments to Regan.
  4. Recognitions/Thanks Yous
    Trond sent around Thank You cards to be signed by board. These include Sponsors (AMH, Great Harvest, Skinney Raven, Healthy Futures), families housing mapper in 2012 (Billmans, Follets, Paul and Barbara Crews, Art Harmon), and former long-term board members (Cory, Ian, Dave). O-glasses to be given together with Thank You cards.
  5. Old Business
    Fundraising items tabled as Dan not present.
  6. New Business
    1. Land trail issues – Dela
      BLM is conducting Environmental Assessment which could affect users groups especially with parking impacts at mile 1.1. This assessment shouldn’t affect this season but could in future.APU University Lake Drive extension (new road into dog park and up behind Moseley Sports center) going forward in 2014 funds approved. No action by club at present.
    2. Board approved Dan to pay approx.. 1500.$ to OUSA for club renewal for 2013 this essentially gets us our meet insurance.

Next Meeting March 27 at Trond’s “new old house” on Sultana Dr

Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm